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Fresh Del Monte introduces “personal-size” pineapples to reduce food waste

The launch Del Monte Precious Honeyglow, a personal-sized pineapple, aims to reduce food waste in single-person households and cater to individual taste preferences.
fresh del monte

Fresh Del Monte, a global leader in the production of high-quality fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, has partnered with leading specialty produce distributor Melissa’s Produce to introduce a new offering in the pineapple market. The collaboration heralds the launch of Del Monte Precious Honeyglow, a personal-sized pineapple that aims to reduce food waste and cater to individual taste preferences.

Weighing between 1.5 and 2 pounds, the Precious Honeyglow is Del Monte’s most compact pineapple offering to date, approximately half the size of a standard fresh pineapple. This smaller size is intentionally designed to give consumers, particularly those in single-person households, more flexibility in choosing pineapples that better suit their individual needs and help reduce food waste.

The Precious Honeyglow is grown on specialty farms in Costa Rica, where each pineapple is allowed to mature for an extended period of time. This extended ripening process contributes to a sweeter taste and a golden hue, distinguishing it from traditional pineapple varieties.

Melissa Mackay, Fresh Del Monte’s vice president of marketing for North America, expressed the company’s commitment to meeting diverse consumer demands. “Our new Precious Honeyglow delivers everything people love about Del Monte Honeyglow pineapples, such as its extra sweet taste and distinct color, in a compact single-serving size,” she stated.

Del Monte: Reducing food waste

The rise of single-person households in the US, which now account for more than 28% of American households, highlights a growing need for food products tailored to smaller consumption patterns. Indeed, the USDA’s Economic Research Service highlights around 133 billion pounds of food wasted annually, coming up to around $161 billion. 

Fresh Del Monte’s internal surveys indicate that single-person households are significantly more inclined to shy away from purchasing full-size whole pineapples due to concerns over fruit waste. The introduction of Precious Honeyglow addresses this concern by offering a suitable, waste-reducing alternative.

Available year-round and exclusively through Melissa’s Produce, the Precious Honeyglow joins Fresh Del Monte’s Honeyglow pineapple line. Beyond this are a variety of other pineapple products, including the Del Monte Zero Carbon Neutral Pineapples. This initiative offsets greenhouse gas emissions through reabsorption by Fresh Del Monte-owned forests, achieving a net-zero carbon footprint.


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